I Love You Because Summer 2019

25th- 29th June 2019 @ Wimbledon Studio Theatre

Directed By Katy Jackson

Musical Direction by Sophie Colchester

The Cast

Austin: Jamie Wright, Marcy: Sarah Jamieson
Jeff: Chris Witham, Diana: Kate Vlietstra
Danny: Matt Howes, Brigitte: Millie Shields
George: Sebastian Roughley, Casey: Rachel Rees
Tyler: Simon Rothwell, Lydia: Harriet Pollard


‘I Love You Because’ is a modern-day musical love story: think the cast of ‘Friends’ goes on a Tinder date in the bar from ‘Cheers’.  It is a nostalgic, feel-good heart-warming tale about love, life and relationships, full of all the ups and downs, lows and highs that you would expect from any romantic comedy.

It tells the story of a young and uptight greeting-card writer whose life is changed when he meets a free-spirited photographer.  Throw in a brother who sees himself as God’s-gift to women, a best friend for whom relationships are just calculations and probabilities, and a whole host of larger-than-life New-Yorkers, and maybe they’ll learn to love each other, warts and all?

With a nod towards Jane Austen’s exploration of what attracts people to one another, laced with some true Mr Darcy/Elizabeth Bennett passion-fuelled arguments, this comedy musical with a heart questions what it is like to date in a modern world.